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Photos from Kitt Peak
I recently visited Kitt Peak near Tucson, AZ on the night of October 18, 1999. My experience at Kitt Peak was incredible. The seeing was
perfect for most of the night and I captured some great images
of M57 the Ring Nebula, NGC 2438 another remnant of an exploded
star, and spiral galaxy NGC 210. I also tried to image Saturn but lost the blue exposure. Here are the images I took while participating in the Kitt Peak Advanced Observer Program. Click on the images to see full size versions.
I attempted to get a color image of Saturn but lost the blue filtered image. Here are the green and red filtered images of Saturn.
Check out the system I had access to on top of Kitt Peak.
Kitt Peak AOP Resources
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created by Burness F. Ansell, III,
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COO, Director of Aerospace Technologies, IAAS
last modified: June 17, 2008