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IAAS Monthly Astronomy Newsletter
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An Open Invitation
For amateur radio operators and scanner enthusiasts around the world, please join the Colorado Astronomy Net on the Rocky Mountain Radio League's K1DUN repeater on 449.450 MHz or other digital and analog repeaters, Allstar nodes, Echolinks, DMR and internet links connected to the SKYHUBLINK system. The net meets on Tuesday nights at 7 P.M. Mountain Time (US) (Wednesday at 0200 GMT). Connecting to the SkyHubLink system has expanded our coverage in the U.S., Canada and internationally. All Amateur radio operators worldwide are welcome. Anyone may listen to the net. The RMRL provides a "Live Audio Feed" using Broadcastify.
Obtain your Amateur Radio (Ham) License or your General Radio Operator's License (GROL)! Visit the South Metro VE Team website for more information. The South Metro VE Team provides test sessions by appointment only. Check the website for current information. All others interested in Amateur Radio, check out the Amateur Radio Relay League website to find out more information about becoming an Amateur Radio operator.
The Colorado Astronomy Net and the IAAS are on Facebook.
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Excerpts from JPL mission updates are provided as a public service as part
of the JPL Solar System Ambassador/NASA Outreach program.
For special JPL programs and presentations in your area visit the JPL Solar System Ambassador website.
(Click on the logo to link to the JPL SSA homepage.)
In this Newsletter...
Background screen credits: NGC5775
Imaged March 21/22, 2001
using the 16" Kitt Peak Visitors Center telescope
as part of the
Kitt Peak Advanced Observing Program.
"From our point of view, the Moon and the Pleiades (M45) often "miss" each other in the sky, as shown here. But we are now in a sequence of monthly Pleiades occultations, with one visible from the U.S. this month." Astronomy Magazine, February 2025, p. 28. - Alan Dyer
The Month At-A-Glance
A calendar displaying the daily astronomical events.
- First Quarter Moon occurs on the 5th.
- Full Moon occurs on the 12th.
- Last Quarter Moon occurs on the 20th.
- New Moon occurs on the 27th.
- The Moon is at Perigee (228,327 miles from Earth) on the 1st.
- The Moon is at Apogee (251,582 miles from Earth) on the 17th.
Moon/Planet Pairs
- The Moon passes 1.4° north of Neptune on the 1st.
- Venus passes 4° north of Neptune on the 3rd.
- The Moon passes 5° north of Uranus on the 5th.
- The Moon passes 5° north of Jupiter on the 6th.
- The Moon passes 0.8° north of Mars on the 9th.
- The Moon passes 0.3° south of Spica on the 17th.
- The Moon passes 0.4° south of Antares on the 21st.
- The Moon passes 1.0° south of Pluto on the 25th.
- The Moon passes 0.4° south of Mercury on the 28th.
For reference: The Full Moon subtends an angle of ~0.5°.
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Calendar of All Astronomical Events 2025
Planetary Reports generated by "TheSkyX" software. These reports provide predicted data for the planets for the first of each month for the current year. The rise and set times for the Sun and the Moon for each day of the month as well as meteor shower radiants are also included in the reports. These reports have been optimized for the Denver, Colorado location, however, the times will be approximate for other locations on Earth.
(Times are Mountain Daylight Time (MDT/MST) unless otherwise noted. Times will vary slightly depending on your location.)
Planetary Highlights for January
"We're quickly losing sight of Saturn, but Venus, Jupiter, and Mars dominate the sky. Uranus and Neptune are easy binocular objects. Mars is still at its best, having reached opposition last month. Jupiter has many satellite transits visible in small telescopes. And early in the month, the Moon passes in front of the Pleiades, visible from the western U.S." Astronomy Magazine, February 2025, p. 28.
Is in superior conjunction on the 9th. Mercury rises at 7:02 a.m. on the 1st. After conjunction, Mercury returns to the evening sky. Mercury sets about 7:13 p.m. by month's end. Mercury is visible about 30 minutes after sunset just above the western horizon during the last week of February. Mercury moves from the constellation of Capricornus into Pisces shining at magnitude -1.1 on the 28th.
Is at greatest brilliancy (magnitude -4.9) on the 14th. Venus is stationary on the 27th. Venus sets about 9:07 p.m. on the 1st and about 8:27 p.m. by month's end. Look for Venus to the west about 30 minutes after sunset. Venus is in the constellation of Pisces shining at magnitude -4.9 on the 15th.
Is stationary on the 24th. Mars rises at 3:01 p.m. on the 1st and about 12:59 p.m. by month's end. Look for Mars to the southeast in the evening. Follow Mars across the sky almost all night long. Mars is the constellation of Gemini shining at magnitude -0.7.
Is stationary on the 4th. Jupiter sets at 3:12 a.m. on the 1st and about 1:27 a.m. by month's end. Jupiter is easy to spot to the south in the evening sky. Follow Jupiter across the sky for the rest of the evening and into the early morning hours. Jupiter is in the constellation of Taurus shining at magnitude -2.4.
Sets at 8:07 p.m. on the 1st and about 6:34 p.m. by month's end. By the time the Sun sets, Saturn is low to the west. Saturn is in the constellation of Aquarius shining at magnitude 1.1.
Sets at 1:44 a.m. on the 1st and about 11:52 p.m. by month's end. Look for Uranus to the south soon after sunset. Uranus moves from the constellation Aries into Taurus shining at magnitude 5.7.
Sets at 9:01 p.m. on the 1st and about 7:15 p.m. by the month's end. Look for Neptune to the west following Saturn by less than an hour all month. Neptune is in the constellation of Pisces shining at magnitude 7.8.
Dwarf Planets |
Is in conjunction with the Sun on the 14th. Ceres sets at 5:43 p.m. on the 1st. After conjunction, Ceres returns to the morning sky, rising about 6:48 a.m. by month's end. Ceres is lost in the evening and morning twilight glow all month and is not visible. Ceres moves from the constellation of Capricornus into Aquarius shining at magnitude 9.0.
Rises at 6:50 a.m. on the 1st and about 5:03 a.m. by month's end. Pluto is lost in the morning and twilight glow for most month. Pluto is in the constellation of Capricornus shining at magnitude 15.2.
As always, good luck at spotting Neptune, Ceres and Pluto, a large telescope and dark skies will be needed.
Constellation information provided by Go Astronomy.
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Meteor Showers
"FEBRUARY HAS NO major meteor showers. Sporadic meteors can be seen at any time, so it's worth keeping watch for the occasional bright streak while observing the wonders of the night sky.
As we approach the vernal equinox, the zodiacal light makes an evening appearance on moonless nights. The most favorable time is the second half of the month, when the Moon is in the morning sky. Pick a dark location with a clear view west. Right after dusk, as the sky darkens, watch for a cone-shaped glow, similar to the Milky Way. Whereas twilight is a low, diminishing glow to the west, the zodiacal light is a steeply angled cone aligned with the ecliptic in the east, extending up through Taurus. It lasts over an hour and is caused by sunlight reflecting off billions of meteoritic particles." Astronomy Magazine, February 2025, p. 29.
Meteor Shower Radiant Report
For more information about Meteor Showers, visit Gary Kronk's
Meteor Showers Online web page.
Meteor Scatter (or Meteor burst communications) - "is a radio propagation mode that exploits the ionized trails of meteors during atmospheric entry to establish brief communications paths between radio stations up to 2,250 kilometres (1,400 mi) apart." Tune your shortwave or your HF amateur radio to 54.310 MHz SSB and see if you can hear any pings. Try other frequencies as well... 6m FT8 digital - 50.313 Mhz & 50.276 Mhz, JP-65 digital mode and the carrier frequencies of the lower VHF bands for TV channels 2, 3 & 4.
Meteor Rx How-To by Terry Bullett (WØASP)
Comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 may still have an outburst in brightness from around magnitude 15 to 10.5 this month, but will be a challenge for most observers. The comet is passing just south of Regulus in the constellation of Leo.
Comet C/2024 G3 (ATLAS) is visible in the southern hemisphere in the constellation of Piscis Austrinus, shining around magnitude 4.9, making it a just visible to the naked eye observer under dark sky conditions.
For information, orbital elements and ephemerides on observable comets, visit
Observable Comets.
For more information about Comets, visit Gary Kronk's webpage. |
Solar Eclipses
No solar eclipse activity this month.
Lunar Eclipses
No lunar eclipse activity this month.
Observational Opportunities
Look for Saturn, Neptune, Venus, Uranus and Jupiter and Mars in the evening from the west to south.
Look for Mercury in the early evening to the west late in the month.
(From west to east)
- Eunomia is in the constellation of Taurus.
- Vesta is in the constellation of Virgo.
- Information about the Minor Planets can be found at
the Minor Planet Observer website.
Information on various
occultations can be found by clicking the IOTA logo.
The Moon occults the Pleiades (M45) (Electra) on the 5th/6th. The occultation is observable from the western third of the U.S. See the other predictions/paths for several other stars in the Pleiades:
Maia, Alcyone, Atlas.
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In this section I will post meteor, fireball, etc sightings that have been published on the American Meteor Society's web site. I want to make this an active section of the web pages and newsletter and would like to publish the links to member sightings. If you have any published sightings, please provide me with the links and I will post them here for all to enjoy.
Event ID |
Date/Time |
Location |
Observer |
Link |
3871-2015 |
2015-11-13 01:55 MST |
CO |
Charles N |
3871a |
3587-2015 |
2015-11-22 17:38 MST |
CO |
Kevin S |
3587aw |
3829-2015 |
2015-12-05 18:06 MST |
CO |
Burness A |
3829a |
986-2020 |
2020-02-21 22:20 MST |
CO |
Lukas S |
986 |
3716-2020 |
2020-07-24 23:22 MDT |
CO |
Lukas S |
3716 |
4774-2021 |
2021-08-13 21:57 MDT |
UT |
Lukas S |
4774 |
7044-2021 |
2021-10-28 20:37 MDT |
CO |
Burness A |
249058 |
6763-2022 |
2022-10-06 05:56 CDT |
OK |
Mike C |
6763 |
5300-2023 |
2023-09-11 22:04 MDT |
CO |
Lukas S |
5300 |
578-2024 |
2024-01-28 23:05 MST |
CO |
Lukas S |
578 |
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I have created a web page containing images taken and submitted by subscribers (or special images) to the email newsletter, check-ins to the Colorado Astronomy Net and readers of the online newsletter. Any one wishing to submit their own images to the gallery, please let me know. The images must be taken by the submitter and be astronomy related. Please include a description and your information so that I can give proper credit to your work.
Featured Images
IC-434 - The Horsehead Nebula
Courtesy of Roy Murray (KI7PKL)
Images taken November 2024
"The Horsehead Nebula (top-right), is one of my old favorites. Most people, including me, have never seen it through the eyepiece, but we can see it via astrophotography. It consists of a dark nebula that looks like the head of a horse from our viewing angle, silhouetted against a very faint emission nebula. There are two other nebulas in the picture, The Flame Nebula to the left, and NGC-2043 in the middle. The very blown-out star, upper left, is Alnitak, the left-most of three stars in the belt of Orion. I only got six hours of data on this one, as it clouded up some evenings." Astrophotography with the SkyWatcher HEQ-5 and Celestron C6, Roy Murray.
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(Excerpts from recent JPL mission updates)
Past, Present, Future and Proposed JPL Missions.
For special JPL programs and presentations in your area visit the JPL Solar System Ambassador web site.
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Mars website mobile version is here!
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(If you have a link you would like to recommend to our readers, please feel free to submit it.)

- Brighton Astronomy Group - Astronomy in Brighton, Colorado (under construction).
- Cloudbait Observatory, Guffey Colorado - Submit your fireball reports here. Interesting, knowledgeable site.
- Colorado Springs Astronomical Society - The Colorado Springs Astronomical Society (CSAS) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the enjoyment of the nighttime sky.
- Denver Astronomical Society - The Deep Space Exploration Society is a Colorado based nonprofit organization dedicated to practical astronomy and space science education for students, the general public, and society members.
- Deep Space Exploration Society - Promotes the enjoyment and understanding of astronomical phenomena, history and lore by providing educational and observing opportunities for our members, general public, and outreach activities at the University of Denver's historic Chamberlin Observatory, schools, and nature centers.
- Little Thompson Observatory - Begin or sustain your interest in astronomy at LTO! The night sky is wondrous, filled with countless swirling galaxies, the planets, the moon and so much more. Many of these sights are easily visible from Earth, but few people have witnessed them personally.
The Little Thompson Observatory can change that for you. Our mission is to help people of all ages learn about the universe by offering a first-hand experience with astronomy...
- National Space Science & Technology Institute - NSSTI runs the Star Light—Star Bright Observatory in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
- Northern Colorado Astronomical Society - The Northern Colorado Astronomical Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the science of astronomy and to encourage and coordinate activities of amateur astronomers.
- Rocky Mountain Star Stare - The Premier Star Party in The Rocky Mountains
- SkyWatchers - Coal Creek Canyon Sky Watchers - Coal Creek Canyon Sky Watchers is an astronomy and space exploration group that features expert presenters on topics such as the exploration of the Moon, Mars and other planets, international space exploration missions, as well as other astronomy topics. We established Sky Watchers in 2014 and usually have about 35 attendees at our meetings.
- Southern Colorado Astronomical Society - The Southern Colorado Astronomical Society, CSU-P and the Pueblo Nature and Raptor Center welcomes everyone to participate in the discovery of our night sky.
- Star Cruiser Bill's Astrophotography - Great astrophotography from Aurora Colorado.
- Star Light-Star Bright Observatory - The observatory is part of the nonprofit National Space Science & Technology Institute's education and public outreach program.
The goal of the Star Light—Star Bright Observatory, is to put the universe within reach of primary grade students and their teachers; along with being an educational asset for the community. The observatory is an educational project that was established in 2004 to serve young and old alike and provides the only free access to viewing the universe in the Pikes Peak Region.
- AMSAT - The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation, or AMSAT, is a worldwide group of Amateur Radio Operators (Hams)... AMSAT's goal is to foster Amateur Radio's participation in space research and communication.
- National Radio Astronomy Observatory - NRAO - Radio Astronomy news and information.
- Radio JOVE Project - Radio JOVE students and amateur scientists observe and analyze natural radio emissions of Jupiter, the Sun, and our galaxy.
Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers - The Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers (SARA) is an international society of dedicated enthusiasts who teach, learn, trade technical information, and do their own observations of the radio sky.
- "TheSky" - Astronomy Software by Software Bisque. It's where discoveries are made. Where astronomers unravel the mysteries and reveal the beauty of space. At the heart of this search lies Software Bisque and its family of precision-crafted robotic telescope mounts, astronomy software solutions and embedded systems. Tools that help quench the astronomers' thirst for scientific breakthrough and personal enrichment the world over.
- A Sea of Stars - Voyages of a Merchant Mariner & Amateur Astronomer - I'm a retired Navy veteran, currently sailing with the US Navy's Military Sealift Command as an Operations Chief. My dominant interests are science (esp. astronomy), history and photography, and I enjoy naval and military wargaming WHEN I can find the time.
- A Short Guide to Celestial Navigation - Celestial navigation is the art and science of finding one's geographic position by means of astronomical observations, particularly by measuring altitudes of celestial objects — sun, moon, planets, or stars.
- The ARRL - Amateur Radio Relay League - Information about amateur radio and how to become an amateur radio operator.
- American Meteor Society - Provides amateur observers a place to learn about and report meteor, fireball and related sightings.
- AstroBackyard - Welcome to the AstroBackyard Backyard of the Week! This is a place where we honor the hard work and dedication put into building an astrophotography rig to capture the glorious night sky. There are many ways to tackle this hobby, with varying types of telescopes, cameras, and mounts with one thing in common — they produce results!
- Astrogirl Homepage - exists to educate, encourage and promote the hobby of amateur astronomy to people of all ages. It is the goal of this site to provide relevant information and resources to the amateur astronomer as an aid in their enjoyment of the night sky. It is a family-friendly, educational site and has been rated as a safe site for all ages.
- Astronomia - Online web applications that use catalogues of astronomical objects. Applications and their description are also prepared in English.
- Astronomy Picture of the Day - Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.
- Astronomy Resources
- This site has some good links a young, interested student wishes to share.
- Beginners Guide To Astrophotography - A Quick & Easy Tutorial Of How To Take DSLR Astro Photography
- Be an Astronomer right from your Window - At-home astronomy techniques.
- Black Hole Encyclopedia - Excellent site from StarDate - University of Texas McDonald Observatory
- Caelum Observatory - The LARGEST dedicated public telescope in the Southwest at the Mount Lemmon SkyCenter!
- Celestron Telescopes - Celestron telescopes.
- Citizen Science - Citizen Science Projects - NASA's citizen science projects are collaborations between scientists and interested members of the public.
- Clear Skies Observing Guides - CSOG, short for Clear Skies Observing Guides is a new concept in visual amateur astronomy. It is a digital publication that will enable observers to target all deepsky objects and carbon stars within reach of their equipment.
- The Constellations of the Night Sky - Good site for finding out more about the 88 constellations and their associated stars. Links to the constellations mentioned in the newsletter can be found on this page.
- CosmoQuest - The place where you map other worlds, explore out universe and contribute to science.
- Distant Suns - Desktop Astronomy package for PCs.
- Dwarf II Smart Telescope - Introducing DWARF II - the world's most portable smart telescope controlled by the mobile app DWARFLAB.
- EME - Earth-Moon-Earch Communications - Amateur Radio communications by bouncing radio signals off of the Moon. Amateur station HB9Q is happy to make a contact with you.
- EarthSky - Astronomy news.
- Go Astronomy - Links to constellations, noted in this newsletter, as well as to promote and educate people about amateur astronomy.
- Heavens-Above - As the name implies - What's up in the heavens, particularly satellite passes.
- The International Dark-Sky Association - To preserve and protect the nighttime environment and our heritage of dark skies.
- informED: 10 Teaching Tools for Educators - informED - Teacher Resources.
- Introduction to Moon Bounce - Earth-Moon-Earth (EME) - Informative youtube video on EME communications.
- Isa's Astrophotography Atelier - Isabel Streit's exceptional astrophotography web page.
- - iTelescope.Net is the world's premier network of Internet connected telescopes, allowing members to take astronomical images of the night sky for the purposes of education, scientific research and astrophotography.
- JPL Solar System Ambassador Program - "Volunteers Bringing the Solar System to the Public"
- JPL Solar System - Jet Propulsion Laboratory information on our solar system.
- K8JTK.ORG - Welcome to the home page of Jeffrey Kopcak. You will find pages and posts I wrote about my hobbies, interests, projects, and things I'm involved in.
- Kids Space Center - Telescopes and Astronomy - Another site suggested by a young student - Great info about telescopes.
- Mars Exploration, Mars Rovers Information, Facts, News, Photos - National Geographic - Mars Exploration - Investigating the Red Planet.
- Meade Advanced Products Users Group - Mapug-Astronomy Topical Archive & information resource, containing a massive 335 page archive of discussions about Meade equipment, and much more: observatories, observing lists, permanent piers, equatorial wedges, remote operations, software, eyepieces, etc.
- NASA - Lunar and Planetary Science - General information, Missions to Comets, Data, Press Releases, Meteors and Meteorites, Other topics of Interest.
- NASA Science News - NASA missions, updates, astronomy news, excellent resource.
- National Archives info on space exploration - Archives Library Information Center (ALIC) - Space Exploration - Information about the United States' space flight programs, including NASA missions and the astronauts who participate in the efforts to explore space.
- Navigating the Stars: A Young Learner's Guide to Astronomy - A Young Learner's Guide to Astronomy
- - Science News including Nanotechnology, Physics, Earth, Astronomy & Space, Technology, Chemistry, Biology and Other Sciences.
- Predictions for Solar and Lunar Eclipses - A website dedicated to predictions and information on eclipses of the Sun and Moon.
- Sky360 - What's in our skies? - Observational Citizen Science of Earth's Atmosphere and Beyond.
- - Free sky maps each month.
- SKY-MAP.ORG - The main purpose of SKY-MAP is to consolidate astronomical, astrophysical and other information about different space objects and astrophysical facts.
- Slooh - Slooh enables students from kindergarten to college to interface with live telescopes and satellites to learn to explore Earth and space and prepare for careers in space and STEM.
- - Interesting space and astronomy articles.
- Spaceflight Now - Launches and satellite news.
- SpaceLinks/Space Careers - SPACELINKS is a specialist staffing consultancy sourcing and supplying high caliber professionals for a wide range of world class organizations in the Space and Defense industry.
- "" - SpaceRef's 21 news and reference web sites are designed to allow both the novice and specialist alike to explore outer space and Earth observation.
- Space Weather - Check out what the sun is doing as seen from space.
- Stellarium - Free, downloadable planetarium/astronomy software.
- Sterling Images - Images both celestial and terrestrial by Sterling "Rip" Smith (K3XO).
- Telecommunications satellites and space exploration (OOMA blog) - Interesting article on telecommunications satellites with supporting links. Courtesy of Ariana Miller.
- Telescope Live - The New Home for Astrophotography and Remote Imaging - Online access to a global network of 10 robotic telescopes.
- The Most Expensive & Amazing Telescopes In History - Some of the most expensive and amazing telescopes in history - From The Hub Post.
- The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Astrophotography - Looking up into the night sky with just your eyes and maybe a telescope is amazing on its own. But it can be even better when you photograph and record it for your memories.
- Top 50 Astronomy NASA Photos of All Time - A list of the most interesting moments in the history of science - From The Hub Post.
- Ultimate Resource Guide for Astronomy - The resources we have provided below cover everything from discussing what astronomy is all the way to social media groups that focus on this popular and interesting topic. Use this resource guide for finding some great sites on astronomy whether you are a teacher looking for lesson plan ideas, a student wanting to brush up on their knowledge, a college student looking for a career or you just love the stars and want the most from your experiences.
- UniverseToday - Short, interesting articles about space and related topics.
- Wildcat Astronomy - Astrophotography by James Paulson - Planetary and Deep Sky imaging at its best. Check out the Blog as well as the images for tips and tricks of astrophotography.
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Definitions of astronomical terms.
Many of the astronomical terms used in this newsletter are defined here.
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The author will accept any suggestions, constructive criticisms, and corrections. Please feel free to send me any new links or articles to share as well. I will try to accommodate any reasonable requests. Please feel free to send questions, comments, criticisms, or donations to the email address listed below. Enjoy!